Monday, September 12, 2011

Dear you, pt 2.

How badly i wish you could see.
See the potential that you let fall.
See that to get through isn't getting over it.
That the fun only makes it go away for the while.
That for years to come, it will still be rearing its head.
That rather than do what you said, you'll still wake up 5 years down the track wondering exactly what you didn't want to.
To realise what your accomplishments consist of.
To realise what you haven't while others have.
To see the cycle repeat itself over and over, like its doing.
To see what you think is bravery is only cowardly.
To realise how quickly you forget the things once said.

If only we all had an island.

If only you could see that you're not unique in your issues.
If you could see how the others overcome them.
If only you would want to do the same.
If only you'd take the risk.
Trust in yourself and others.
Let go and build yourself back up.

How there's so much positivity that feels wasted.
So many words unsaid wasted.
So many emotions hidden.
So many tears pushed aside.
Leaving only this.

Stop being scared.
If only you saw the person you are.
If only you could see the person thats staring back at you in the mirror.
The one that's hidden. Ashamed of. Scared to be known.

Start being you again.
Not the you you think you are, the you that you really are.

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