Monday, November 29, 2010

Three of a Kind

Ry is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. It's the little things in life that really make a difference, and he's so got that down pat!
Ryan, you are the most supportive person in my life and i can always count on you to be 100 per cent honest with me, regardless of whether you think im going to like it or not. I love and appreciate how you will take time out to sit down and work through with me the things im not coping with and that i can't quite get a handle on. The little things you do like checking to see if i got to work okay and bringing me home a Crunchie when you do the shopping and even bigger things like organising a birthday suprise and present before you went away because you knew you were missing it rather than something half hearted a week later - you still made my day even from Bali - the nicknames you give me and the goofy things you do to make me smile just make me love you even more. Sometimes it sort of feels like Blink 182's Josie, just the other way round. Ryan, you're the best and make my world such a better place.

We’ve been friends ages, since year 5. Numbers make it seem like it’s been such a long time but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. You’ve always been the one I come to with (what feels like) my major life decisions. Whether it feels like my world is falling apart, I simply want to blab about something or have goss that I just found out in my drunken state, you’re always there to say ‘ohh!’ with just the right tone for the situation at ridiculous times in the morning when I’ve bumped into someone from school while I’m out and you’re always there with a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear when life’s getting me down.
We've grown together, we've learnt together, we've played together, we've cried together and we’re still there for each other. Always. You’re the sort of friend that you don’t need to speak to. The sort of best friend that just being around you makes everything better.
Through thick and thin. From down the road, the other side of town and the other side of the country. I will always be there for you, whenever you need me. Any time, any day - I'm only one call away.

You're like a big brother. Just a super cool one that i love being around. I hate that Canada has stolen you away, yet again. And i hate even more that when you finally do come home, it wont be my my home. I miss you every single day.

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